Hair Topper For Thinning Hair: Telling My Partner I wear One

Telling someone you’re wearing a hair topper can be nerve-wracking. Especially if the other person is a new romantic adventure happening in your life. (I have been there, I know that feeling too well!).
It’s not an easy conversation to have, but it’s important, to be honest with your new partner, especially if you see a future with them.

I understand how hard it can be to know how to start a conversation, what to say, how to say it and hoping for a good and positive reaction. Arguably since the beginning of time, the ultimate stereotypical symbol of femininity has been long, beautiful and shiny hair, this is why we fear that our partner would look at us in a different light if we come out clean by telling him or her that we suffer some sort of hair loss and we wear a hair topper because we have thin hair. I remember my biggest fear was that he would think that “I am fake”…

Yes, right, because hair extensions are not…?! I wonder what’s the difference between a hair topper for thinning hair VS hair extensions? Why are hair extensions socially acceptable while toppers no?

(Not yet actually… If I will do something in my life it will be to normalize these amazing accessories!). 

In This Article

How to Navigate the Conversation Confidently and Honestly About Your Thinning Hair 

In today’s world, man can be balding (or be bald already), which is considered a natural and “normal” thing. Society doesn’t judge them, barely notices it, or even cares about it, but when there is a woman in this situation, the situation takes a different turn. For a large number of women, it’s a sort of shameful thing because we know that people often judge us merely by our appearance, especially our hair.

Generally speaking, men start suffering from thinning hair when they are past 40. It is less prevalent in women, but somehow it seems OK for men to have thinning hair, but not women!

If you feel alone … well, don’t: according to real data it is estimated that more than 50% of women in the United States will experience noticeable hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss in women is FPHL or female-pattern hair loss (also known as Androgenic Alopecia).

My hair is a mess (and got thinner with time, especially now that I am close to hitting the big 40) and although I fully embrace it, I do not always feel like showing off my rather sad locks (or what is left of it) to the world. I wear alternative hair because I want it, because I choose it and because it makes me feel good.
I have been wearing hair toppers for 8 years now, and I couldn’t be happier! Just to clarify: I do wear my hair topper when I choose to do so, I have days where I do not care about my hair at all!! You know what? I also learned that people don’t notice her hair loss as much as we do. It’s the same way about pimples!!

Hair Topper for Thinning Hair – what is it?

(For those who landed on this page randomly!). 

A hair topper for thinning hair is a great way to add volume and cover up hair loss. They are also known as top pieces or wiglets and come in various styles and textures. These hair toppers are specifically designed to provide coverage to the top of the head, making them a bloody lifesaver ideal for those with hair loss in the crown area.

Unlike wigs, hair toppers are not intended to cover all of your biological hair. Instead, they are additions that enhance your hair. Hair toppers can be made of synthetic or human hair, and the right topper, when styled and worn correctly, will be indistinguishable from your natural hair.

If you are considering wearing a hair topper, it is important for you to choose the right one for your needs. You should consider the following important factors before purchasing your top piece:

• Hair type: Choose a hair topper that is close to your natural hair type: Is your hair straight, wavy, or curly?

• Hair color: Choose a topper that is close enough to your natural hair color. It doesn’t have to match 100%: you can also consider a hair topper that is a shade lighter or darker for a natural-looking highlight or lowlight effect.

• Base type: Hair toppers come with different base types, including monofilament, lace, and silk. Choose a base type that is comfortable and suits your needs.

• Attachment method: Toppers can be attached using clips, tape, or glue. Choose an attachment method that is a good fit for your needs and you feel comfortable with.

Real scalp on a Hair Topper For Thinning Hair
My current Topper... zoom in into that scalp!

If you are considering wearing a hair topper, I encourage you to give it a try and see how it makes you feel. When I started wearing hair toppers, my very first one was a not-so-expensive piece I played with while at home. This helped me to understand if it was a good solution for me and if I was feeling comfortable.

Fun Fact: I went to the supermarket with that first hair topper on my head the same day I received it and it was ok! None looked at me differently nor questioned about it and I felt a million dollars! If I have to put it correctly, I felt relieved that none noticed. None cared at all, and I repeat it AT ALL, about what I had on top of my head!

Back to us…

Going back to the purpose of this article: Hair toppers are a great solution for those with thinning hair or hair loss, but they can be a sensitive topic. I want to help you navigate this conversation with ease. In this article, I will share my tips for telling your date you wear a hair topper for thinning hair. We’ll cover everything from understanding hair toppers, preparing for the conversation, choosing the right time and place, starting the conversation, addressing reactions, and moving forward after the conversation.

It is ok to be nervous!

When it comes to telling your date or romantic partner that you wear a hair topper for thinning hair, it’s understandable to feel nervous or unsure about how to approach the topic. So, yes, allow yourself to feel nervous, it is ok, embrace it! However, with some preparation and confidence, you can have a productive conversation that will help you as a couple build trust and understanding in your relationship.

Tips to help you prepare for the conversation

Be honest and direct: It’s important to be upfront about wearing a hair topper. Trying to hide it or downplay its significance can create unnecessary tension and mistrust in your relationship. If you are both serious about where you want to take this relationship, being honest and open with each other from the beginning, will only bring positive things! So, be honest and direct about why you wear a hair topper and explain how it makes you feel to the other person.

Practice what you want to say: It can be helpful to practice what you want to say before having the conversation. This can help you feel more confident and prepared, and ensure that you communicate your thoughts and feelings.

• Choose the right time and place: It’s important to choose a time and place where you feel comfortable and can have an open and honest conversation without feeling rushed or distracted. Consider talking to your partner in a private setting where you both feel comfortable and at ease.

• Be prepared for questions: Your date may have questions or concerns about your hair topper for thinning hair, and it’s important to be prepared to answer them honestly and openly. Consider doing some research beforehand so that you can provide accurate information and address any misconceptions or misunderstandings.

By following these tips, you can approach the conversation with your partner full of confidence and clarity, and build a stronger, more trusting relationship. Believe me, the right person will love you even more just because you opened your heart to them.

Opening up and relinquishing your fears of rejection helps builds trust and honesty with others, fosters empathy, and builds stronger bonds.

Hair Topper Clip In


A first date is already nerve-wracking by itself, what about when you are wearing a hair topper and he/she doesn’t know?

 As someone who understands the journey intimately – having experienced this myself – I want to offer some insights on how to approach this situation with grace and confidence. If you’re interested in exploring more about hair toppers and wigs, do check out my blog posts which cover a range of topics related to this subject.

Now, let’s delve into the matter at hand: Should you disclose your hair topper during that initial rendezvous?  I’ve received numerous queries from clients who are stepping into the dating scene while embracing their hair toppers. I’ve taken time to ponder the best advice, and I believe it’s worth sharing.

The Purpose of the First Date

I firmly believe that the initial date isn’t the ideal moment to discuss the topic, especially if it’s not something you’re comfortable sharing right away. It’s like a sort of job interview – we present the best version of ourselves. While honesty is essential, revealing such a personal detail too early might not align with the purpose of the first date. It’s about getting to know each other’s personalities, interests, and shared connections.

The Importance of Timing

Imagine revealing your use of a hair topper, and then discovering that the person might have misunderstood your disclosure. This can inadvertently create confusion. Therefore, it might be more prudent to wait until you’ve established a connection, ensuring that the person is genuinely interested in you for who you are beyond your physical appearance.

Dealing with Self-Esteem

I understand the fear of feeling like an imposter – the notion that you’re not being entirely authentic. However, it’s vital to acknowledge that your hairpiece doesn’t define you. Just as makeup enhances features and clothing reflects individual style, a hair topper complements your unique beauty. Remember, you are still the same person, just as deserving of love and connection.

Consider Your Partner’s Perspective

Put yourself in their shoes. Would you want a date to disclose every beauty secret on the first encounter? We all have our unique ways of presenting ourselves. Give the relationship time to grow, and when you’re comfortable, you can share this aspect of your life.

The Takeaway

Dating is about connecting with another person on multiple levels. While your hair topper is a part of you, it’s just one thing among many that belongs to your personality, character, and charm. When the time feels right and you trust the other person, discussing your hair topper will become a natural step forward. Remember, you are beautiful, intriguing, and worthy of love and understanding.

I hope you found this article insightful. If you’ve navigated first dates while embracing your hair topper, feel free to share your experiences in the comments – your stories can inspire others. If you’re seeking guidance on choosing the perfect hair topper, don’t hesitate to reach out through my website or Instagram. Until next time, remember that confidence is your greatest accessory!

What did my partner say about my hair topper and my messy thinning hair?

He shared words of reassurance and compliments, especially when I was judging myself because of my ugly hair. Since then, he can not stop telling me how beautiful I am with or without hair!

Hair Topper For Thinning Hair: Telling My Partner I Wear One.

Hair toppers are a great option for those looking to conceal hair loss, thin hair or add volume. They can be styled just like your natural hair and…there is no shame in wearing one!!

Clip the damm thing on your head and be proud!