Topper wig. Do hair Toppers look natural?

Do Hair Toppers Look Natural? Will people notice I am wearing one? 

You find yourself concerned about its natural appearance when the wind blows in a specific manner, as well as the necessity of disclosing this to potential partners.


Do hair toppers look natural? Will people know I am wearing one?”….In a world where society often imposes its standards and expectations, on us it takes an individual to confidently embrace their personal style without concerning themselves with others’ opinions. This is especially true for those who choose to wear hair toppers, wigs, wiglets, hair toupees, or any other kind of hairpiece as a way of expressing themselves or addressing their hair loss or thinning hair concerns. 

In a society that tends to prioritize hair as a form of beauty essential, it’s important for us to recognize and accept that everyone has the right to feel self-assured and comfortable in their skin regardless of whether they opt for a hairpiece. So, why the first thing before jumping in and getting our first hair topper is to ask ourselves “Do hair toppers look natural? Will people know I am wearing one?” We are worried about what other people think of us if we wear a hairpiece… why?  

Table of Contents

Do Hair Toppers Look Natural? 

Wearing a hair topper or a Wig: Understanding our fears

I think that the most crucial thing is to understand that our appearance doesn’t define who we are as individuals, as humans. 

Wearing a hair topper, wig or whatever other decoration, doesn’t diminish our value or character; it’s simply an accessory or solution that fits our preferences or circumstances.

Similar, to how we choose our clothes and makeup to enhance our features and look our best, a hair topper or wig can be viewed as an extension of exactly that! 

There is something I want to tell you here, honestly: always remember that we aren’t obligated to conform to expectations! Our choices are defined by our own aspirations and only that! This is what truly reflects our authentic selves. 

Whether it is a colorful wig or a long beautiful hairpiece embracing our unique style it is amazingly empowering and liberating. Only when you will have learned to accept yourself you will be totally free! By not paying attention to what others think we create an opportunity, for embracing ourselves and developing as individuals.

Many people wear wigs, hair toppers, fake ponytails or hair extensions for reasons more than just fashion. Hair loss, whether brought on by illnesses, medications, or heredity, can be an upsetting and difficult experience to accept and understand. 

Choosing to wear a hairpiece might give you a sense of normalcy and confidence, so why bother about what others think? Wearing something that makes you feel more confident it is just so simply amazing, isn’t it??  It enables you to reclaim control over your looks and experience self-confidence.  

Never let the judgments of others take over the emotional satisfaction and sense of self-assurance that wearing a hairpiece or wig can give you. Go out and wear it proudly without worring if people may notice or not!

In the end, accepting your decision to wear a hairpiece, hair topper, or wig without worrying about what other people think of you is a sign of self-acceptance and love towards yourself. 

May I add something? In my experience of wearing wigs and hair toppers for eight years, nobody has ever questioned or shown suspicion that my hair was not my own. People do not seem to notice… 99% of them do not even care, nor give a s**t,  about what you’ve got on your head! 

Hair Toppers and wigs or any other hairpiece are something to celebrate!

Amazing transformation from balding to full hair
Picture credit: 1 Hair Stop

It is crucial to keep in mind that our choices, including wearing a hair topper or wig, are individual and valid in a world where uniqueness and self-expression should be celebrated. 

We empower ourselves to live authentically and embrace our distinctive style when we stop caring what other people think. Let’s throw off the constraints imposed by conventional norms and embrace the freedom to be who we truly are: gloriously beautiful!

I can’t help but go into the psychology of why I no longer give a damn about what other people may think as I sit here and think back on my path of wearing wigs and toppers.  

I’ve traveled a long and transforming road to reach this point of genuine freedom, but only by self-discovery and embracing my own happiness. Basically, it all started when I decided to fully accept myself and embrace my Trichotillomania.

It was intimidating at first to consider wearing a wig or hairpiece. I was plagued by thoughts of rejection and other people’s opinions. I questioned whether people would notice if they would judge me differently, or worse if they would feel sorry for me. “Do Hair toppers look natural?” “Will people notice I am wearing a hair topper?” I was consumed by these insecurities which kept me stuck in a loop of self-doubt. 

Internal self-worth: an amazing sense of empowerment.

As time went on, I started to ask myself why I was so dependent on other people’s perceptions of my happiness. I came to the conclusion that the opinions or judgments of complete strangers should not decide my value. Why should they? I mean, what would I gain from it? This is my life overall, what makes other people’s opinions about my life and my choices more important than my very own?  I finally understand how not important at all they are. It was a life-changing realization that enabled me to turn my attention inside, towards my own happiness and acceptance of who I am.

I started looking into the psychology of self-perception and self-esteem. I learned that internal self-worth, rather than external approval, should be the full source of our sense of worth. 

I realized that I shouldn’t let other people’s approval determine how happy I am or how much happiness I deserve. 

I came to see that by accepting my own desires, choices and decisions, I could develop a sense of empowerment and confidence that went beyond what other people thought of me.

Hair Topper with bangs

Wear your hair toppers, wigs and feel authentic!

I also learned the importance of being authentic. My use of wigs and toppers evolved into a way for me to express my genuine self, free of constraints from social norms. Yes, I discovered that I liked to be blonde on a Tuesday and a brunette on a Sunday… and that I loved it! I stopped feeling the need to meet conventional beauty standards. Instead, I cherished, accepted and celebrated my individuality. My ability to shine in my own light was made possible by letting go of my fear of criticism. 

Wearing a hair topper or a wig or whatever you choose is not a SHAME!!!

My journey to self-acceptance involves many different aspects, one of which is wearing a wig or hairpiece. It represents my readiness to put my own needs first and be true to who I am.

Due to our social nature, we have evolved to look for other people’s acceptance and approval. But this worry about being judged may be very restrictive, keeping us from truly expressing our true selves and seeking our own happiness.

We experience a primitive reaction in ourselves when we consider the possible judgment of others to be frightening. Because it was so important for our survival in prehistoric times, our brains are hardwired to value acceptance from others and to fear rejection. However, in contemporary society, this worry about being judged frequently prevents us from fully expressing who we are and realizing our full potential.

Do hair toppers look natural?

What we often fail to understand is that our worth or value as individuals is not determined by what others may think of us.

They are nothing more than projections of their own prejudices, biases, and beliefs. It’s crucial to keep in mind that each person’s viewpoint is moulded by their own particular experiences and conditioning and that their assessments do not define us.

We must free ourselves from the restrictions that the judgement of others may place on us by realising that it is not a threat to our wellbeing. Wearing wigs, hair toppers or any other hair-concealing accessories and valuing our own happiness are acts of resistance against the worry about being judged. It is a statement that the opinions of others don’t matter more than our own self-acceptance and fulfilment.

Wear a hair topper, a wig, two wigs, a ponytail a unicorn costume if that is what makes you happy!

In conclusion, recognizing the psychology of why we feel threatened by the possible criticism of others empowers us to take back control and put our own happiness first. 

We can free ourselves from the fear of criticism and fully accept our true selves by realizing that other people’s opinions are not intrinsically dangerous. 

Only then, regardless of what others may think, can we completely appreciate the joy and freedom that comes with being true to who we are without being worried and asking ourselves: Do Hair Toppers Look Natural?

Human Hair Toppers

Girls, it is real fun! Wear the hair topper or wig and if you really want, you can fool them all!